We have prepared an article that will help you find important tips in the fight against diabetes.

Topics covered in the article:
- What do you need to know if you have diabetes?
- Why do 95% of diabetics fail to cope with their diseases?
- How to live with diabetes easily and happily?
Oddly enough, diabetes protocols still contain metformin and its analogues. However, such treatment can have significant side effects that doctors do not always warn their patients about. And along with the use of additional drugs (for example, glimperide), metformin can cause the development of hypoglycemia. If your doctor prescribes you a drug containing metformin, carefully study all contraindications and side effects before starting treatment.
All of these drugs can raise the level of insulin in the blood to a critical level. With this amount of insulin, the blood becomes thick, like condensed milk. In large quantities, insulin causes enormous harm to the body. It literally destroys the liver, kidneys and other excretory organs. Insulin is similar in consistency and action to stomach acid. Imagine what would happen if stomach acid flooded your internal organs. He would burn them through!
Elevated insulin levels corrode cells, thereby contributing to their abnormal division, and this is already nothing less than oncology. For this reason, the RISK OF DEVELOPING CANCER IN DIABETICS is 27% higher, according to statistics.
Plus, it is the high insulin content that leads to the rapid clogging of blood vessels with cholesterol plaques, since insulin-rich blood becomes thick and starts moving slower. As a result, blood vessels become clogged with cholesterol plaques, which in turn leads to pressure surges. Hypertension accompanies 95% of diabetics. Many other problems with the cardiovascular system appear as well.
List of threatening consequences of metformin-based therapy
- Gastrointestinal disorders (most often diarrhea, heartburn, belching, stomach ulcers);
- Hypertension - pressure surges, especially in the evenings, headaches, stuffy ears, waves of fear;
- Cirrhosis of the liver - the liver becomes a connective tissue and stops purifying the blood, the whole body is filled with toxins;
- Kidney stones due to intensive excretion of salts and sugar;
- Oncological diseases;
- Early death due to destroyed blood vessels;
- Blindness.
Of course, the extent to which you will feel worse depends on the number of solutions you take and how long you do it, as well as on your individual characteristics. However, you can’t completely get rid of complications.
Why is someone using metformin if it's so dangerous?
Specialists make appointments according to established medical protocols. You are prescribed products recommended by the ministries. And you, of course, should not neglect the prescribed treatment. But you should be aware that these solutions are based on synthetic components and have significant contraindications and risks.
If your doctor has prescribed drugs such as metformin for you, then do not ignore it. This may be vital to you. But you should also be aware of additional methods for managing diabetes. You will read about one of the methods in this article.
It is no secret that people who take metformin for a long time often have side effects without realizing that this is a consequence of taking metformin.
However, more often than not, patients find out they have type 2 diabetes during a routine checkup. At the same time, up to this point, the patient, as a rule, felt normal and would never have thought that he had high blood sugar. And then they are prescribed metformin in an increased dosage.
As a result, the level of sugar falls, but over time, a gradual deterioration in a person’s condition is possible. The patient may complain of chronic fatigue, obesity, high blood pressure, headaches. They may have swelling of the legs, and in the morning of the face. There may be sensations of constantly ringing bells in the ears. The fingers may become numb and the extremities cold. Possible loss of vision, memory impairment.
BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO PUT UP WITH DIABETES. If you have to choose between taking metformin and putting up with the disease, of course you should choose the former. Diabetes can kill you if you don't take any actions. Just with other symptoms.

The sugaring of blood vessels and internal organs!
Imagine candied cherries or raspberries. The same thing happens to all your blood vessels if you have diabetes.The walls of blood vessels become saturated with sugar and become brittle. As a result, the vessels lose the ability to narrow and expand. The smaller vessels die off first, promptly followed by the medium and large ones. Vessels feed the internal organs. The deterioration of blood supply leads to the development of chronic diseases.
What diabetes does to your organs:
Possibly impaired vision.
It is often impossible to restore vision damaged by diabetes even with the help of laser correction, since retinal detachment occurs as a result of numerous hemorrhages.
Possible kidney failure
Sugar just clogs the ureters. The environment in the kidneys becomes incredibly sweet. Sugar is a preservative. Chronic renal failure occurs.
Joint problems.
Joint movement is provided by synovial fluid. When the vessels stop feeding the joint, synovial fluid is no longer released. The connection just dries up. As a result, a person is forced to endure excruciating pain.
Nervous system disorders.
Nerves, like many other organs, suffer from excess sugar. Diabetics may experience extreme mood swings, apathy, or depression.
Skin lesions.
At first, the skin dries up a lot, itching appears. Because of this, scratching, eczema and ulcers are formed. There may be an unpleasant odor. In the severe phase, gangrene occurs
No matter how you look at it, diabetes is a very dangerous disease. I would say one of the most dangerous. I feel very sorry for people who have been diagnosed with diabetes. I try to help them, but everything depends, first of all, on them.
What can be an adjunct to metformin? Take, for example, the average senior citizen who developed diabetes with age. Now their sugar levels are constantly rising. Let's say they are taking metformin and are not feeling well. How to fight diabetes? Can they do it on their own?
Type 2 diabetes is a complex, dangerous and systemic disease. This is not a common cold or diarrhea. The consequences of this disease affect the whole body, so you have to be patient. IT IS NOT ENOUGH AND HARMFUL to just raise your insulin levels and be done with it.
In the case of diabetes, actions must be comprehensive and systematic. It is necessary to reduce the level of glucose, and also not to harm the body.
In particular, a supplement called Insinol can help. It was developed in 2015 by the Malaysian Institute of Endocrinology. These are not random chemicals like Metformin, but a NATURAL ANTIDIABETIC COMPLEX.
The action of Insinol is based on the complex work of 60 natural blood sugar stabilizers - natural extracts, vitamins and trace elements.
Insinol is good because it does not harm the body. Moreover, it even enhances it. But most importantly, it has a positive effect on the disease from all sides.
60 active ingredients is a lot. Not every product can boast such a rich composition.
Thanks to the constituents of Gymnema sylvestre, Opuntia vulgaris, Cinnamomum verum, it is possible to alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the symptoms of diabetes. Since Insinol contains natural ingredients in its composition, it does not burden the liver, kidneys and heart and does not cause side effects. This means that you are not at risk of contracting another disease while you are fighting diabetes.
Scientific studies of these components have proven a significant reduction in blood sugar levels in the test group (!!! all studies confirming the effectiveness of the components are listed at the bottom of this article - you can read them !!!).
Real story of a patient
I want to show you a letter from Amelia Hidalgo, a senior citizen from Malaysia.
This is what she wrote.

“I regret that not all people with diabetes know about Insinol yet. I had terrible diabetes. For 18 years he was my companion. Since I was 49 years old. my kidneys were barely working, I smelled of acetone. My daughter hated being in the same room with me. Add to this the permanent ulcers on the feet, blackened feet and fingertips. I felt unbearable.
I told my daughter to think about my last days. I had a good life, but I still didn't want to die. Even when I screamed in hysterics that I wanted to drop dead, I didn’t actually mean it. During one more relapse of diabetes I realized that I had to visit a doctor because I wouldn’t survive one more relapse.
After the consultation, I immediately started taking Insinol . It's been 4 months since then and the doctors are surprised that my blood sugar levels are normal. But I feel it myself. In the past 10 years, I have never felt as healthy and diabetic free as I do now! I began to sleep well, the feeling of unquenchable thirst greatly decreased, I didn’t have to go to the toilet so often, fatigue and constant weakness also disappeared without a trace. The pressure surges are over. My eyesight has improved. The main thing is that now I feel much better. Thank you very much for Insinol .”
Insinol will be useful to everyone, including people with a weakened immune system.
Participates in the restoration of blood vessels
The main effect of Insinol is that it not only removes sugar from the blood, but also thereby normalizes the level of glucose. It also removes sugar that has already penetrated the walls of blood vessels thanks to one of its ingredients - ginkgo biloba. This ingredient is a powerful antioxidant. This is similar to how the walls of blood vessels thaw and regain the ability to narrow and stretch. Blood clots can disintegrate, vessels are cleared. Small capillaries are back in order. This improves blood circulation. As a result, a person's blood pressure normalizes, weakness and drowsiness go away, wounds and cuts begin to heal faster. In addition, a person simply receives more energy. They immediately have a desire to do something around the house or in the garden.
Helps normalize glucose levels
Insinol does not increase insulin levels, so it is harmless. But besides this, it also has a positive effect, namely, it reduces insulin resistance. This is a very remarkable property of Gymnema sylvestre, Opuntia vulgaris and Cinnamomum verum. These biologically active components of the product penetrate directly into the cells of muscles, fat and liver and stimulate them in such a way that they begin to respond better to the presence of the hormone in the bloodstream. In medicine, this process is called "secondary cell formation." As a result, over time, cells begin to actively consume glucose, which leads to a decrease in its concentration in the blood. This is the safest way for the body to utilize glucose.
Feeling better, including after eating. The feeling of thirst is reduced. Reduce swelling, rash or itching. Toilet breaks have also become much less frequent.
Helps burn excess fat!
Excess weight is something that significantly aggravates the condition of a diabetic. That is why Insino also has an effect on reducing body weight. This happens for two reasons. First, cells begin to more actively convert sugar into energy. And secondly, the product contains a highly concentrated extract of creeping tribulus, which is a powerful natural fat burner.
Helps improve potency
Many diabetics have problems with potency. Thanks to the effects of Insinol described above, blood circulation improves. Due to this, sexual activity can improve. Even at 50, 60 years old, men can feel improvements.

Insinol acts like the flapping of a butterfly's wing, starting a recovery chain reaction that improves overall well-being. From improving the condition of blood vessels to improving vision and joint health.
Easy awakening
You wake up in the morning and you don't have to force yourself to get up, stretching and rubbing your stiff legs, creaking your back and neck.
Improved well-being and mood
All day. Your sleep improves. You feel more energetic. You don't have to go to the toilet all the time at night. Reduces pain and reduces itching.
Tasty breakfast
Your menu will expand significantly. You will remember the taste of those dishes that you can only dream of now.
Improving Mobility
You no longer have to worry about your feet when you go out, walking is no longer so unbearable. Sandals, shoes, socks do not dig into swollen feet like a fork into a sausage.
Mood improvement
You become more relaxed. By relieving pain symptoms that prevented you from focusing on anything else. When you do not feel pain, familiar things, sounds, smells play with new, long-forgotten colors.
Lack of Insinol in Malaysian pharmacies!
It is extremely difficult to buy Insinol in pharmacies. This product is rare. Most of the batch is sold abroad, another part is bought by private clinics.
But there is good news for the readers of our magazine!
Part of the purchased batch of Incinola will be offered to our readers at the lowest price. We will deliver goods directly to people's homes.
Here’s how you can get Insinol
You need to:
- You must be in Malaysia. We will not ship Insinol outside the country.
- You can get Insinol FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. We don’t sell Insinol in bulk to prevent pharmacies from reselling it at a high markup. It’s inhumane to take money from sick people! That is why we send Insinol to our customers at a fixed price and based on the number of packs needed for a full course (or two people - if there are several diabetics in the family)
Take this opportunity before someone else does!
Unfortunately, we do not have this product in sufficient quantities for all diabetics in Malaysia. Therefore, we decided to provide it to those who leave the application on the site faster.
We recommend you to place an order right now while Insinol is in stock!

You get a 50% discount on Insinol!
Active ingredients: Gymnema (Gymnema sylvestre) Leaf Powder Concentrate, Nopal Prickly Pear (Opuntia vulgaris) Powder Concentrate, Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) Powder Concentrate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Silicon Dioxide, Chromium Polynicotinate. *Not a medicine
1. Side Effects Evaluation of the Use of Metformin and Glimepiride Combination In Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Outpatients
2. Predictors of Metformin Side Effects in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
3. 2017 update on the relationship between diabetes and colorectal cancer: epidemiology, potential molecular mechanisms and therapeutic implications
5. To what extent does cinnamon administration improve the glycemic and lipid profiles?
6. Antidiabetic Activity of Opuntia spp.
8. Type 2 diabetes: Ginkgo biloba extract and magnezed water found effective in new research
9. In vitro evaluation of immunomodulatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancer molecular mechanisms of Tribulus terrestris extracts
This product should not be used or sold to persons under the age of 18. This product should be used only as directed on the label. It should not be used if you are pregnant or nursing. Consult a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition or are using prescription drugs. A physician's advice should be sought before using this and any supplemental dietary product. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners and are not affiliated with or endorse this product. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Products and statements have not been evaluated by the European Medicines Agency or the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Individual results will vary.
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